文章作者 Press Club
非同凡响员工故事:Canada Goose
在全球高性能奢侈品牌中,Canada Goose凭着执着质量以及励志的坚韧和创新故事而脱颖而出。品牌的实力,更因其尽职尽责的员工而倍增,其中包括爱尔兰都柏林店热情洋溢的品牌大使 Amber Haughton。 Amber 于 2020 年开始了她的Canada Goose之旅,从都柏林的品牌临时店开始,直到建立Grafton 街永久旗舰店,充满活力的豪华购物区已成为 Amber 与客人分享独特的 "加拿大温暖 "体验的完美背景,体现了加拿大鹅所倡导的 "生活在开放中 "的精神。 对 Amber 来说,Canada Goose的魅力在于它的故事,从它的优质产品和悠久历史到它的讲述方式。与顾客分享这些故事、增强他们的购物体验和与品牌的联系,令她非常快乐。她最喜欢的工作内容是与顾客互动,了解...
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2024秋冬:FW24 Don’t Waste Culture系列探索身世
「身世线索」 (Threads of Identity)是对我们祖先无形影响的致敬,赞颂过去深刻而神秘的生活方式。它是影响着我们、塑造着我们可能成为的人、并延伸到后代的生命之树。 在 「身世线索」 系列中,我们深入探讨我们不为人知的遗产的核心,认识到在我们每个人的内心深处,都有一段来自祖先的不为人知的故事。这一概念揭示了那些无声的、不为人知的叙事,它们与我们的本质交织在一起,是我们之前的人所经历的生命篇章,虽然我们不知道他们的经历,但却在我们自己的生命中产生了深深的共鸣。这是一次探索,探索这些隐秘的历史,这些不为人知的遗产,如何在无形中塑造了我们的身份,并在不知不觉中传递给下一代。我们每个人的内心都承载着无数不为人知的故事、选择和前人走过的道路,它们默默地指引和影响着我们的人生旅途,并...
时尚Press ReleaseFeaturedloading...
Locad raises $11 Series A funding to boost consumer brands in Asia Pacific with logistics engine
The logistics engine of Locad provides a cloud supply chain for brands to store, pack, ship, and track orders for ecommerce and omnichannel retail through a tech platform connecting a network of warehouses and shipping partners. The $11M Series A raised will be used towards network expansion, product development, and hiring talent across...
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A fish named Fred Hong Kong
从明年夏天起,香港男士们终于可在这个亚洲大都会里的 4家永安百货商店购买到新鲜的鱼了。 这条色彩斑斓的鱼是名为费德鱼的生活时尚男装品牌,现已在30多个国家销售并仍在扩大。除此之外,其他区域包括美国,澳大利亚,甚至捷克、英国和南非等国家的业务也正在快速增长,广受零售店与顾客的青睐。 在这个疫情期间,费德鱼的销售业绩还高于疫情前的平均水平,费德鱼服装系列也不断的增加了更多不同的种类。 在过去的 10 年里,费德鱼通过异曲同工模式成功地脱颖而出。原创的设计主题使用了欢乐的印花,并且加入了大量幽默元素,赢得了很好的回响,世界各地粉丝数量也持续地在增加. About A fish named Fred:fashionunited.com/companies/a-fish-named-fred
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Hunkemöller 进军中国,4年内开设46间分店
欧洲最大的内衣品牌Hunkemöller以独特行销手法,成功征服欧洲后顺势扩张,现已进军大陆,在上海开设第一家实体店。 Hunkemöller以无与伦比的数码科技铺面概念,为中国客人度身订造全新的体验。达230平方米同样分为私密(Private)、黑(Noir )及运动 (HKMX)三个区域及相应货品,令选购精品内衣成为刺激好玩的事。 「在中国开店最自然不过。全球增长最快的经济体遇上欧洲的第一女装内衣品牌,正是天作之合。」Hunkemöller执行长Philip Mountford说。 Hunkemöller于1886年在阿姆斯特丹创立,几经变身成为今天之成功现代跨国品牌,无缝结合网购及实体店经营模式,930家门市遍布欧洲,最近进入俄罗斯,获奖无数,且看能受打动中国女性顾客。新店位于蒲...
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MANGO Kids_Fashion Frames SS19
GIRL The girl's collection is delicate and feminin inspiried by bohemian and casual chic looks. This season the line plays with neutral colours and touch of reds, blues, pinks, florals prints or checked and features materials such as denim or tencel. BOY The boy’s collection is inspired by four main styles such as Preppy Look, Safary, Hipster or...
时尚Press Releaseloading...
Stradivarius launches its new fragrances Stradivarius Essentials. A very special collection that evoque us the natural essence thanks to its materials such as wood, cork and linen. The 3 fragrances that belong to this collection Origin, Unique and True, add to every single moment its own essence. To start the day with the best energy, enjoying a...
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Lightweight, technical and innovative: Hanwag presents the FERRATA II for Summer 2019
07:00. Arriving after an early morning start. Find a place to park. Get out the car. Look up at the sky. Looks like the weather will hold. Look up the valley. There’s the wall. Impressive. Grab the packs. Boots on, not laced too tight. Short walk in. Around 08:00, we reach the start of the via ferrata. Quick final study of the topo. Deciding...
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The new Spring/Summer 2019 collection at a glance
Royal Robbins, the cult brand from California are increasing its focus on pure travel clothing and adventure wear for Spring / Summer of 2019. Since the acquisition in April 2018 by Fenix Outdoor Group, Royal Robbins is now a proud brand member of one of the biggest and strongest outdoor groups in the world. With the new support and future...
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Iconic Swedish brand Primus celebrates 125 years
Back in 1892 F.W. Lindqvist and J.V. Svenson created the world’s first soot-free kerosene stove in their small blacksmith workshop in central Stockholm and aptly called it Primus (meaning first). Rapidly the name became synonymous with reliable stoves and Primus stoves became the primary choice for those heading off on first ascents and...
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