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Advertising & Employer Branding

Connect with fashion professionals globally and reach your ideal target group with targeted employer branding.

Employer Branding

A strong employer branding is crucial in recruiting and talent aquisition. FashionUnited offers the needed services to spread a positive brand image within the global fashion industry. Through the global B2B network, talented candidates are easily attracted.

Content marketing through Advertorials

FashionUnited creates valuable and relevant content through unique storytelling in the form of advertorials to attract and retain an engaged global audience of fashion professionals. FashionUnited encourages to thought leadership making the fashion industry more transparent and efficient.

Brands hiring with FashionUnited

Hugo Boss
时尚Partner Content

创造 3D 逼真体验

PixelPool 解释了 3D 技术如何帮助您以前所未有的速度和效率进行设计规划和销售 服装行业采用 3D 技术已是不可避免的趋势。随着我们迈向新的未来,关于环境问题的国际法律会更加严格。即使是从可持续解决方案的角度看,3D 技术在服装行业也将变得更具影响力。 Denzel Lee, SAE-A Design 3 Team 如今,我们正处在“重构现实世界”的时代,虚拟世界吸引着众多品牌去重新思考展销室、样品甚至是服装。时尚品牌正在学习利用 3D 技术和虚拟解决方案,以更快、更可持续的方法和工具取代过去传统的产品上市方式。 一直以来,PixelPool 都坚信 3D 技术未来的广阔前景。每一年,我们都与诸多行业领先的品牌进行数字转型合作,凭借我们在 3D 领域 20 多年的经验,助力他...
