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Fashion Industry 新闻

Everything about the (traditional) supply chain and the core players of fashion industry

What does the corporate supply chain of the fashion industry look like? Which players are involved and what exactly do they do? In this article, everything about the supply chain is covered. Why do traditional fashion companies that follow the traditional supply chain strategy face a longer lead time and therefore a relatively long production...




可能你已经在时尚行业内工作多年,当初的那点,能在毕业时层层通关,成为少数几个,能找到工作的毕业生的庆幸心理已经遗失殆尽。可能你在现有的工作岗位上,埋头苦干多年,当你从自己的工作小隔间里,抬头望向外面的世界时,已经迷失了未来发展的方向。不管是哪一种,你都准备好了要大展拳脚,努力获得晋升,赚更多的钱。但说得容易,做得难,如何才能让这些梦想变成现实呢? 设计师在时尚行业内出人头地的十条小贴士:一步一个脚印 战略规划你的职业出路。千禧一代通常在毕业后,频繁更换职业,直到最终找到契合自己的岗位,业界对此持开明的态度,因为这体现了他们适应能力强,社会安逸和容忍度高。但对专业人士而言,高频率跳槽无异于职业自杀,因为职业决定了专业人士的专业度。要克制住自己更换工作的冲动,不然潜在的雇主会认为你浮躁,不...
