及「担忧」 是2020年时装世界尤其是高管的关键词。 麦肯锡及BoF时装商业杂志联合发表的《2018年度全球时尚业态报告》走访290名时装业高级行政人员及意见领袖,2020年将见业务放缓及充满不稳定因素,而各大企业已经积极准备应对。报告预计时装业整体收入将下跌3%至4%,加上经济大环境的波动、贸易战、亚太新兴市场放缓及欧洲经济的悲观前景,业界将面临严峻挑战。 大公司更大 小部份公司将逆市增长。欧洲、拉美、中东及非洲的新兴市场都预期会稳定增长。另来由于创新及可持续发展的压力愈来愈大,而大公司凭着资源优势较易满足条件,因此将占更多市场份额。 「中型企业将愈来愈难与巨头竞争。」有份执笔的麦肯钖时装及奢侈品总监Achim Berg表示。 「电子化、消费者需求及可持续性等新的要求都消耗大量精力及...
The e-commerce war will continue, as digital players strive to become the platform of choice for both consumers and fashion companies. Source: Youtube, BoF, McKinsey
Fashion companies must come to terms with consumer's desire for transparency across the supply chain, reveals McKinsey & Business of Fashion's report. Source: Youtube, BoF
The state of fashion for 2019, as analysed and predicted by McKinsey and the Business of Fashion. Source: Business of Fashion, McKinsey, Youtube
The Business of Fashion x McKinsey Source: Business of Fashion, YouTube.